Your funeral flower messages don’t have to be long or specific. All that matters is that they’re sincere and offer comfort to the family taking care of the funeral arrangements.

Some examples to get you started:
- Our thoughts are with you at this time
- I thought the world of them
- Rest in peace
- Our heartfelt sympathy to the family
- We are so sorry for your loss
- We pray for peace during this difficult time
- Time may pass and fade away but memories will always stay
- Our hearts are filled with sadness
- Until we meet again
Try one of these if you have a little more space:
- We were blessed by knowing him/her, and we know that he/she is now resting in peace after a long and happy life.
- When a person becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.
- At this time of loss, may peace envelop you like the warmth of a soft blanket. May fond memories bring you comfort, knowing that all life is eternal. You are not alone in your grief; I/we share it with you.
- You went too soon. You will always be loved, missed, and remembered as an incredible person who made a difference to those around you. May all your memories bring your family peace during this difficult time.
- Many friends come into our lives but only a few leave footprints in our heart. Time may pass, but you will not be forgotten.
- You brought joy, happiness and laughter to all who met you. You will be deeply missed by everyone who knew you.
- Thank you for sharing your beauty with the world. We’ll carry it in our loving arms forever.
- May memories bring you comfort and may you find peace in knowing that he/she is at peace now. As hard as it is for us, remember your loved one is no longer in pain or struggling. Never fear or feel alone; they are nearby watching over us.
- I join my family in sending our deepest sympathy to you all on the loss of your loved one. I pray that God will give you strength during this time of sorrow.
- Though I cannot see you now, I will hold your hand and walk beside you as I always did.
Remember, there isn’t anything wrong with borrowing the words of others in the right context. Try lines of poetry, a religious message, or even song lyrics if you think someone else has said it perfectly.
How to write messages for funeral flowers – tips to guide you
If you’ve never written messages before or are unsure of how to get started, the following tips may help you with your funeral card:
- Remember that flowers represent life and new beginnings. Be positive, but try not to sound too clichéd.
- Keep it simple. A funeral service is not the time for rambling on about deep, philosophical issues. Keep your message short and simple; something you’d say if they were standing next to you in person. This will make their family feel more comfortable rather than overwhelmed.
- If you knew of the deceased, but weren’t close with them, you can still mention a few things about them that made an impression on you. If there’s one story of theirs that sticks out in your mind or they said or did something impressive, you can add it here.
- If the service is for a young person, particularly someone who died tragically or unexpectedly, try to resist writing anything specific unless approved by close family members. The family may not want those details written down on a card that will be read by many people.
- If the message is for a baby or child, you can say ‘baby’ instead of their name. If possible, write it from the perspective of the parents or whoever will be reading it for them.
- Avoid writing about yourself. It’s okay to mention your relationship with the person you are writing for, but make sure that you are describing their life and touching on how they affected yours.
- If you don’t know details about how or why someone died, yet you feel compelled to write on a funeral card, something non-specific and uplifting is a good choice.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Writing anything while you’re dealing with grief, or considering those who are, can be a daunting task. If you really need help, but feel like you shouldn’t ask for it, consider asking a close family member to review what you’ve written and give their thoughts on it before sending it out.
Any type of message is better than no message at all. Some people don’t know what to say, or are just uncomfortable writing a card message, but the kind gesture of sending flowers with a small note speaks volumes. Remembering a loved one through flowers can be a wonderful way to bring comfort and strength to friends and family at their time of need.
For more information about arranging funeral flowers, please get in touch with us. Our friendly team will be able to help.